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13th PharMetrX Symposium

Date & Time


Seminaris CampusHotel Berlin, Meeting room: Sorbonne, 2nd floor Conference Center (separate from hotel building)


3 June 2024  

08:45 – 09:15

Welcome and Introduction

09:15 – 10:45 Scientific presentations by PharMetrX PhD students, part I
(25 min. + 20 min. discussion)

Franz Weber: Towards model-informed precision dosing of meropenem in critically ill patients
David Outland: Towards a vertex based dynamical modelof blood flow dependent endothelial cell morphology

10:45 – 11:15

Coffee & tea break (Foyer)
11:15 – 12:00 Scientific presentations by PharMetrX PhD students, part II
(25 min. + 20 min. discussion)

Aya Saleh: Amalgamating in vitro and clinical insights: Leveraging a middle-out PBPK approach for understanding complex pharmacokinetics of voriconazole

12:00 – 13:30

Lunch (Restaurant) and afterwards group photo
13:30 - 14:45

Session I, room Sorbonne 1: Joint PharMetrX partner meeting
(Steering Board and Industry Partners representatives)
Session II, room Sorbonne 2: Meeting of PhD/Post-doc students on “Interviews for open positions” (moderator Johanna Melin)

14:45 – 15:15

Joint Coffee/Tea break (Foyer)

15:15 ‐ 16:30

Session I and Session II, to be continued
(same rooms as before)

16:30 - 17:00

Wrap‐up & Closing (all participants, Sorbonne 2)




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