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Co-/Supervision and Mentoring

Pharmacometrics & computational disease modelling is a highly transdisciplinary field. Within the Research+ Program, we support our PhD students by a truely transdisciplinary co-/supervision as well as mentoring by one of our industry partners.


Students of the PharMetrX PhD program are part of the joint PharMetrX research group bridging both universities and disciplines, with regular meetings, joint (co-) supervision by the two chairs (guaranteeing transdisciplinary input into your research project), frequent exchange on an individual basis, an annual PharMetrX symposium jointly with all industry partners, and much more.


Every student of the PharMetrX PhD program has a mentor from one of our industry partners. As part of the mentoring relationship, our students have regular TCs with their mentor, discussing diverse topics of interest (also far beyond their specific research question), and/or visit their mentor and his/her group. Mentees and mentors also meet at important conferences of the field, and during the annual PharMetrX symposium.