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Christoph Hethey
Pharmacist / University of Münster

PharMetrX Research+ Program
PhD student year: 2013

University of PhD: Universität Potsdam
Supervisor: Prof. Wilhelm Huisinga
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Charlotte Kloft
Mentoring I-Partner: Boehringer Ingelheim

PhD thesis

Cell physiology based pharmacodynamic modeling of antimicrobial drug combinations


Please see the list of all publications and PhD theses.


  • 03/2013: Entering PharMetrX
  • 2012-2013: Preregistration student at Vita Apotheke in Berlin (including approbation as registered pharmacist)
  • 2011-2012: Preregistration student at Bayer Quality Control in Berlin
  • 2007-2011: Undergraduate studies of pharmacy at WWU in Münster & student trainee at Eimermacher GmbH