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Jane Knöchel

PharMetrX Research+ Program
PhD student year: 2014
PhD Student Year Representative

University of PhD: Universität Potsdam
Supervisor: Prof. Wilhelm Huisinga
Co-Supervisor: Prof. Charlotte Kloft
Mentoring I-Partner: AbbVie

PhD thesis

Model reduction of mechanism-based pharmacodynamic models and its link to classical drug effect models

Mathematical models have gained importance over the course of the last decade. Many tasks in industry, economy and administration are solved by application of mathematical models. Therefore it is not surprising that modelling, parameter identification and simulation (deterministic and stochastic) play an important role in systems biology and pharmacology.

However by gaining a better understanding of the underlying molecular processes the complexity of the mathematical models has drastically increased. The large number of unknown parameters in these models as well as inter-individual variability in the population make parameter estimation very difficult if not impossible.

Therefore my PhD Project focuses on the development of a novel model reduction technique. This method should enable parameter estimation in the reduced system as well as a better understanding of the key model dynamics and incorporation of covariates mechanistically.

Currently I am also working on the disease modelling of HIV. Here the main goal is to develop a realistic hybrid model, which incorporates both deterministic as well as stochastic aspects of HIV under treatment. For this an investigation of fitness and drug resistance of genotypes is of specific interest.


Please see the list of all publications and PhD theses.


  • 03/2014: Entering PharMetrX
  • 02/2014: Diploma in Mathematics at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin (diploma thesis:  ‘Mathematische Modellierung metabolischer Einflussfaktoren auf den Milchkuhzyklus’)
  • 12/2014–02/2014: Student assistant in the group of computational system biology at the Zuse Institute Berlin (ZIB)
  • 01/2013–09/2013: Student assistant in the group of biomechanics at the Julius-Wolff-Institute (Charité)
  • 08/2010–06/2011: Erasmus year at the Universidad de Cantabria in Santander, Spain
  • 10/2008–02/2014: Studies of mathematics at the Humboldt Universität zu Berlin